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It’s here! It’s really here!

We are super pumped to announce the second edition of our biggest contest of the year – the GOLDEN TICKET giveaway!

That’s right, good friend – this is your chance to win tickets not to one concert but to EVERY show at the Wilma and the Top Hat for an entire year! SERIOUSLY.

To put that in perspective, here’s a shortlist of bands last year’s winner got to see for free: The Shins, Fleet Foxes, The Infamous Stringdusters, Greensky Bluegrass, Blind Pilot, Dawes, Moe, Moe again, Chris Robinson Brotherhood, Sturgill Simpson, the Dean Ween Group, Cowboy Junkies, Joseph … Do we really need to keep going?


SO IT GOES LIKE THIS: You download and print our spiffy ‘Song of the Day’ calendar by following THIS LINK (or we’ve also pasted it to the bottom of this blog).

Then each weekday through the month of September when you hear the song specified for that particular day you give us a call at 543-4103!

The first five to make it through will get their name in a hat, and then at 10 am on Monday, October 2nd, Craig and Alanya will draw our lucky winner!

We’ll be playing the ‘Song of the Day’ plenty of times throughout the day, and you can qualify as much as you like. So chances are if you’re a Trail listener (and you know how to use a phone) you’ll make it on the list!


Here, we’ll simplify the instructions even more:

  1. Print out the ‘Song of the Day’ calendar

  2. Listen for the ‘Song of the Day’ each weekday in September

  3. Call 543-4103 when you hear it

  4. Be among the first five to call and you qualify

Again, the Golden Ticket is worth FREE ADMITTANCE to ANY and ALL shows at the Wilma AND the Top Hat for an entire year!

Here’s to you, you lucky Trailheads … Remember who loves you!

Trail SOTD Calendar 2017 SMALLB



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