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The Trail Less Traveled



The show airs every Sunday at 6pm and Tuesdays at 10pm.

We’re proud of our locally-produced outdoor adventure show. Your host Mandela constantly gathers the most amazing adventurers to share the most adrenalin-filled tales. From kayaking on a continent across the globe to making the most of a day-hike in our back yard, Mandela brings adventures great and small to your radio. Find out more about this week’s guest or access the TLT archives for podcasts of past episodes HERE. The Trail Less Traveled is Proudly Sponsored by Skin Chic, The Trailhead, The Bitterroot Brewing Co. & The Clark Fork Coalition

To listen to past episodes of the Trail Less Traveled, visit our audio archive HERE!


To read more about Mandela, this week’s featured adventurer & gather some outdoor adventure information & inspiration, click HERE!

TLT Baja

One option for solving numerous health problems is a on line. Minor change in basic lifestyle, another is drugs.



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