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Make Your Mama Proud giveaway!


This Mother’s Day, the locally owned and operated Missoula Broadcasting Company is hoping that you will shop local for dining, services and gifts. When you spend money locally, you make a big difference in the lives of folks right here in our community. Every purchase you make with a local vendor keeps more money locally. When you ‘vote’ with your dollars those dollars make a difference, in helping a local business hire more employees, investing in our communities future. Small businesses donate more to charity events and fundraisers, I mean c’mon Jeff Bezos sure isn’t going to sponsor your kids ball team. If only half of our 70,000 residents spent $50 locally, we’d pump $1.75 million back into our local economy!

To celebrate our local businesses we’ve launched the Make Your Mama Proud giveaway! As a locally owned and small business ourselves we are challenging our listeners to shop local this Mother’s Day and in turn help our community. Thanks to our local partners in is challenge: Meadowsweet HerbsSkin Chic, Bernice’s Bakery, Create Art BarBuff City Soap, Float Missoula and Big Creek Coffee Roasters 

So the next time you shop local, in person or online; filling that growler, grabbing cakes and coffees, gifts or gift cards let us know by filling out THIS FORM. If you do participate make sure to upload a pic of your shop small shop local receipt(details in entry form) and we’ll put your name in a drawing for a shop small shop local prize pack with over $350 worth of goodies! We’re talking $50 gift cards to some favorite local businesses like Meadowsweet Herbs,Skin Chic, Bernice’s Bakery, Create Art BarBuff City Soap, Float MissoulaBig Creek Coffee Roasters  AND a bunch of radio goodies from all of us here at Missoula Broadcasting Company. Winner announced May 9th!

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